
Invisalign gets results

Gone are the days of being self-conscious about your teeth and not smiling for photos! There has never been a better time to straighten your teeth with the most advanced clear aligners in the world with a track record of more than 4 million treated cases.

Diamond+ Invisalign® Provider

Indigo Orthodontics is a Diamond+ Invisalign® provider and can treat most orthodontic problems for teenagers and adults with Invisalign® and Invisalign® Teen. Even if you think or have been told in the past that Invisalign won’t work, rest assured that with the current Invisalign innovations and Dr. Mehta and Dr. Herrera’s clinical experience, we have you covered.

Whether your orthodontic problems are big or small, there is an Invisalign® product that can deliver results in a timely and cost-effective manner!

What is Invisalign®

Invisalign consists of a series of virtually invisible clear aligners that you replace every week to 2 weeks. Each aligner is custom-made and gradually shifts your teeth into proper alignment. Because each aligner is specially made just for your bite and smile, you can be certain that Invisalign will create a smile that truly is for you.

The Invisalign lifestyle: Virtually invisible & undetectable

Almost all cases can be treated with Invisalign. Unlike traditional metal braces that are obvious, Invisalign is almost invisible and undetectable. No broken braces, no scraping and rubbing on the insides of your lips and cheeks, no awkward brushing, and no poking wires.

The Invisalign treatment process

  1. 1

    Complimentary consultation

    During your complimentary first visit to our office, one of our Invisalign orthodontists will start by examining your mouth including your teeth, jaws, jaw joints, and muscles, and view them as a complete functional system and decide whether Invisalign is the correct treatment for your unique orthodontic issues.

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    Digital scan

    After consulting with Dr. Mehta or Dr. Herrera, we will digitally scan your teeth with our new, modern iTero® scanner. These digital images allow us to create a series of clear aligners that are custom to your smile as it straightens each week mapping your teeth’s movement. Your orthodontist will ensure your bite and alignment are ideal for you and order your custom aligners.

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    Custom aligners

    Each set of custom aligners is worn for 1-2 weeks, shifting your teeth gradually every week until the very best results have been achieved. The typical treatment time for a full Invisalign treatment is about 12 months, however, each case is different and may require more or less time. You will remove your aligners to eat, drink brush, and floss normally. No restrictions on any hard or sticky foods like with braces!

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    Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, you will need to wear a retainer to ensure your beautiful new smile lasts a lifetime.

    At Indigo Orthodontics, we offer a special program called Lifetime Retainers. Be sure to ask us about this amazing benefit!

Ready to transform your smile?

Schedule a complimentary consultation